Check out the new cover and my featured piece!! JACKSON SQUARE
Jackson Square
24” X 40”
Acrylic on Canvas
I’ll never forget spending the day in Jackson Square, New Orleans on a crisp spring morning in April 2015. With a drawing pad, I was enjoying the music and sketching a sidewalk Jazz band, the people, musicians and architecture. What an aesthetically perfect moment and it was all about the perception of musically enhanced color. It demanded more. Out came the digital camera to record every bit of visual info as reference for the pending painting.
Painted in Photorealism, this piece was handled with a sensitivity to light and color in a variety of values and intensities. I used a few different painting techniques; a darkened sepia base, then impasto and dry brush building up to washes of pure color.
As a new direction to my “Reflections of America series, the final painting had to be as vivid as the memory.
Buy it HERE on AMAZON!